Sunday, March 29, 2009

Random pictures for the looking

Me, Kim, Krysty and Mendi all went out for Krysty's birthday. But halfway through the diiner Mendi didn't feel so good so she ended up leaving and yacking the whole night. Thankfully, she did not share her illness.

This was from our trip to Ruidoso in december. Nate loved eating the snow.

Doesn't he have the sweetest face? Ok, maybe I am a little biased.

Me and my sister and my mom all went to Neiman's and had our make-up done. Then of course we had to buy some new make-up. Jess got me hooked on Bobbi Brown. And yes, there is a huge difference between department store make-up and cheap make-up. It is one of my splurges.

Nate just loved to eat the snow. I think he was teething and it felt good on his gums.

Nate loved the bluebonnets. This was at my Granny's house on Lake Buchanan. The water was pretty low because these grew where we normally swim.

I was sifting through my pictures and ran across some random pictures. This is a picture of my dad's family at my uncle's funeral. He played bass in numerous bands. He was a very special uncle-he had a very loving and easy spirit. I love him so much and miss him tremendously.

This is Tom and Sally Brace-Jessica's parents. They are sweet people!

Pete and Jessica Garcia-she just had twins and looks this good!

Me, Jess and Pete. This was such a fun night. The Azle Library had a fundraiser to help purchase things for the new library. And they always have good food!

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